It’s been a minute! I can hardly believe that The Well’s 2nd birthday has just passed. There is so much that has been accomplished, so many people impacted by Jesus, and also so much farther we’d like to go as a community. As we’ve reflected on all that God’s been doing, we have felt called to make some intentional changes with the way The Well is communicated and structured. I’ve put together some key updates coming down the pipeline as we bring you into the plans that God has laid out for us and for the future of The Well.
Name Refresh
We are so excited to announce that, with the growth of The Well and the potential reach that is possible, we are moving into a small but significant name change. The Well Community Canada will now become The Well Center, a place for women to be connected and resourced as they follow in the steps of Jesus. It’s a new name with the same mission – to see imperfect women bring Jesus into the everyday.
Through continual prayer, God has expanded our vision and prompted us to prepare the way to reach beyond the border of Canada to North America, maybe one day across oceans. Our goal is to build a center for women’s discipleship. The Well Center will be a fitting home for The Well Practice and one that can equip not only our online community, but also the local church, university, or organization where the program may be beneficial across the nation. The new name will also serve as an important step in becoming a central place for women to get connected to recommended resources, local events, and other discipleship courses and materials.
Website Refresh
As we lean into this expanded vision, we are so excited about the potential for The Well to become a global community. In order to lay the foundation for these upcoming plans, we have relaunched The Well’s website! Our goal was to clearly communicate exactly what The Well is all about and offer a welcoming space to stay a while. You can find a small group for The Practice, explore books and podcasts, catch up on the blog, or shop our signature product in our online store!
I can’t help but smile and rest in the fact that God is walking with us as we discern His will for His women through The Well. Although we can’t yet see what’s on the other side, we’re trusting His lead.
Small Group Updates
With a new name comes a new small group model – we have been working diligently behind the scenes and structuring some important changes for The Well Practice.
Here’s the rundown:
1. Viewing Groups
Instead of enrolling and receiving your group assignment later, you’ll be able to instantly view all of our available groups online and request to join the one that best fits your availability, day of the week, and age range. Don’t see a group that fits? You’ll have the option of hosting one yourself as a Facilitator!
2. Quarterly Intakes
We don’t want busy schedules to be a barrier for people to experience The Well Practice, so we are moving to a quarterly intake model. This means that we will be offering The Well Practice four times a year – in the Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. So you can choose the time that suits you best!
3. Online Focus
Due to our vision to make The Well Practice as accessible as possible, we will be primarily focused on expanding our online small groups. With that being said, we will also have the option for you to host a private local group in person – just invite a few of your friends and you’ll be able to run The Well Practice at home!
The next Intake for The Well Practice will start this Fall, with applications for enrollment opening in August. Click here to join the waitlist for The Well Practice for the Fall 2022 Intake!
New Social Focus
There’s a lot that’s new around here! The last area we’ve felt called to refresh and refocus on is our social media presence, primarily with how we show up on Instagram.
You may have heard that the medium is the message. We realized that we don’t want to be promoting a lifestyle of generating endless consumer content. We created The Well to be a space for imperfect women to feel safe enough to shed their armour and experience Jesus for who He truly is, not another place to constantly compete and compare. We also don’t want to promote women gaining Biblical knowledge from simply scrolling their social feed rather than spending intentional time unplugged with Jesus.
With Instagram being very unpredictable lately, we have felt called to refocus our efforts onto other platforms. Creating daily videos and thinking up silly entertaining content is not where our giftings lie, nor is it the most intentional use of our time. If you enjoy it, all power to ya!
Jesus is enough.
Community should be enough.
We created The Well to be a place of authenticity, and the more time we spent curating the perfect Instagram feed, the more we felt distracted and that the platform was moving away from our core values – and what The Well was created to be in the first place.
Additionally, when we had our Instagram account compromised not long ago, we became painfully aware that our community could be taken away from us at any point. As much as possible, with the resources available to us, we want to build something that will stand the test of time and will have the most impact. For these reasons, while we will still show up on Instagram every once in a while, we are now focusing our efforts towards Pinterest and our email list to direct people to our website and online resources. Both these platforms will become the main ways we show up online and how you can stay connected with The Well.
Click here to follow our Pinterest page for daily inspiration.
Join our email list for monthly updates on blog posts, resources, and what’s new with The Well!
Phew, we got through it all! I’m so excited for all that’s in store with The Well. Thank you for being a part of this incredible community. You make it all worth it. We’d love to hear your thoughts or feedback on these updates! Please email, we’d love to hear from you!

This is very exciting. A new year, and a new broader outlook, yet still keeping those intentionally small, intimate groups of women, wanting to learn what Jesus has for each of us. The Well is always in my heart snd Prayers. Blessings🥰🙏
Thank you so much for your support! 😘